Monday, January 25, 2010

I have no time.... sorry for the long wait between blogs

January 24, 2010


Hello folks!

I touched the Adriatic sea yesterday! Never thought I’d do that. We went to Civitanova, this city that is about 30 minutes by train from Macerata. It was pretty cool, pretty cold too. We went to the big market and went to eat at this seafood restaurant and walked along the beach. Some kids ran in barefoot up to their calves, those crazy Oregoneans… Oregonas… I don’t know, Carly would probably be upset with me if she read this right now.


There isn’t too much to tell. Classes are going well, but I have to get back into the habit of doing homework again. We have to write a review about Moonstruck for my film class which is what I am avoiding doing at the moment.


Let’s see… my legs are killing me, I might have to amputate. Filiberto had us on yet another walking tour of Macerata on Friday from I think 9am to 5ish with a break for lunch, so that was a blast and a half. After that, we went to Pathos (a café) to get caffeine or sugar recharges before going to meet our tandem partners. It’s a program where you are paired with another person who is interested in speaking your language or learning about your culture. I was partnered with Chiara who seems pretty cool. She’s 28 but I think we will still have enough in common to be good partners, plus she lived in Paris for a bit and speaks some French, so we can practice 3 languages. We have to meet at least once a week for 2 hours to speak in Italian and English so we are meeting tomorrow night for aperitif.


Oooops, I was supposed to post this last night, fail.


It was kind of an intense night last night, a bad day for the Graces we said.

My roommate Grace’s friend died and the other Grace’s grandpa died. So we did a girls night at one of the apartments. They seem to be doing better today, but it must be really tough… so depressing note there.


But I am doing fine, it sort of made me homesick for a bit but I will def be fine.


Not sure what else to say… hopefully video soon? Or more pictures?


Peace out for now.

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