Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So after posting this last blog I went out with Grace to look at other guitar prices just in the window of the store and we decided to make some friends…. So we went to this bar/ café called Maracula or something, maybe Maraguia, a weird name. So we go in and Grace just says ciao and we introduce ourselves and just start talking to them in our broken Italian, we told them that we wanted to learn some Italian so they taught us somethings and I realized that I actually do know quite a bit of Italian already, I was even able to explain what H1N1 is, so you should be proud Gisella. We both had had some coffee and one guy (Roberto) told us that that was just not the Italian way and that it was time for aperitif, so he bought us both a glass of wine to welcome us to Macerata, we ended up getting the coffees on the house too, so basically, if I am ever really broke I will go try to make friends with people so they buy me things… lesson learned. The problem was that since we both had a coffee around 8, neither of us could fall asleep, another lesson learned. Also, the old lady who lives above us kept moving things, maybe she redecorates in her sleep.


Yesterday I started classes. I took my Italian placement exam in the morning and then went out to lunch with the other Grace and Molly. Then I ran home to get my guitar and brought it to the store to exchange it, luckily the man was very nice and was totally ok with it. So I now own a classical Yamaha, pretty nifty, and it sounds sooo much better. I’m happy with it. Then I went to painting class with most of our group to try it out and I really like it, so I’m debating dropping my Modern Italy class for it. I have to look up the equivalency tomorrow and maybe I will call Padnos International Center at GV to find out if that is even an option. There is an extra 70 euro fee but I kind of think it would be worth it to have a less stressful semester. The teacher seems to be full of knowledge but I think he likes to hear himself talk, either that or he is super spacey and just gets off track easily. After that class finally ended I went to shop with some of the girls for groceries and then ate a semi-well rounded dinner, I have to get better at that. Then I went over to Katie, Hsuan Hsuan, and the other Grace’s, they live sort of in the center of the city. We had planned on going to an Internet café but they were all closed, Mondays and Sundays are weird here with that kind of stuff. So instead we just hung out and I played some guitar for them, I tried teaching Katie that moldy peaches song from Juno, she’ll get there. Luckily Hsuan Hsuan plays guitar because she helped me tune it, I’m still not too sure how to use that stupid thing. In any case, they said they would baby-sit it for me anytime. I’m going to have to name it, any suggestions?


Last night I dreamt that I had a dryer… it was wonderful.


Seriously, I washed my stuff probably about 3 days ago and it’s still not dry, at least the heavy stuff, so that is for sure one think I’m missing.


This morning my alarm went off at 7:00 and Grace said oops! She said that she was going to take a nap last night at 8 and she just didn’t wake back up, the jerk, I’m so tired today! Anyway first thing she says, after oops, “I wish we had a microwave so I could reheat my spaghetti”, for breakfast? Then I find her eating it and pouring herself a cup of white wine, she said that today she was just going to be Italian, meaning that she wasn’t going to wash her hair…


Ok I’m going to try to post pics again of my apartment, let’s see what happens.


  1. You def def def have an adorable apartment. I totally forgot about your guitar...when did we listen to a song you recorded? that must have been a while ago. I forgot that you even played so when i was reading that i was like "what? this isn't alyson's blog". anyway it looks cozy. which is good. sounds like you've got a decent supply of wine too. so congrats. haha.

    how warm is it there? I don't like that our new trends are "so last year" for them. oh well. haha.


  2. I'm not even sure if I can post without an account ... just gotta say those chairs dont look the most comfortable, but other than that it looks wonderful!

    I hope you have a great week!
