Sunday, February 14, 2010

Well, I am now 20 years old! Big deal, big deal. It was a pretty good birthday from home, better than I had expected. I got to sleep in since I don’t have classes on Wednesdays so that was nice. Also, I have cross cultures on Wednesdays and sometimes after that class we get little treats and Angelica (Filiberto’s wife) had made me two birthday/ carnivale cakes and I was sung to in Italian, Chinese, English and Spanish. Then the group went out to eat at a pizzeria called the palace and then when to hang out at Katie, Grace and Hsuan Hsuan’s apartment where they presented me with a chocolate cake and some other chocolates, totally unexpected and it made me slightly homesick. I got to talk with my family which was nice. It was overall a success I would say. Then the next day we went grocery shopping and I made a couscous dinner with Molly and Grace. The instructions were 250 ml of water + 250 g of couscous = a picture of three people dancing and one more in parentheses. The diagram could have worked if we had measuring cups and what not but sooomehow it ended up edible. Then yesterday we went to Tolentino and Ascoli Piceno which were pretty cool. We had to be at the bus at 7:15… they were flat… we saw churches… the sun came out at one point. It was a pretty good day. We got back to Macerata and it was snowing, like real snow, like almost blizzard, crazy and for Film we have to write a paper about the Godfather so we are watching it again and we were supposed to watch it last night (at least Katie, Diana and I) so I told them to just come over but Diana said the roads were to slippery to walk and I didn’t call Katie in time. So poor little sicky arrived our door covered in snow. But we took care of her with some tea, songs on the guitar, soup and grill cheese and a movie. We watched Chicago, it’s been years, still wonderful. Then this morning we had a huge scramble with eggs, cheese, potatoes, onions, chicken, peppers, garlic and tomatoes. Now I have to go take a shower and head on over to Diana’s to watch that movie, so I must leave you. We have exams this week so we all have to study up but as a preview tonight we could possibly be doing Mexican night. Then, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day or as my dad calls it; Single’s Awareness Day. 

So that is that, alla prossima…if that is spelled right.


1 comment:

  1. Ciao Alyson!

    I finally got around to looking at your blog. Sounds like you're having a fantastic experience in Italia. Also seems like our b-days are close together, mine's Feb. 11, so Happy Birthday fellow Aquarian.

    I definitely recommend more excursions to meet guys named Roberto in local cafes as the best way to improve your Italian.

    My sabbatical time in Tucson has been wonderful. My big regret is that it's already more than half over!

    I didn't see any video. . .

    Abraca, Toni
